Subscribing to Calendar Feeds

You have the option of either adding individual LIDS events to your calendar(s), or subscribing to a list of events.  With a subscription, your calendar should receive updated information in the event that anything  changes (like a room number, or talk title).  The updates aren't instantaneous though and could take up to a day to show up in your calendar.

To add an individual event, simply click on the button that says 'Add Event to Calendar' (you might be prompted to choose which application you use for your calendar).  This should appear on every individual event page.

To subscribe to a series of events, follow the instructions below. 

Google Calendar

To subscribe to events using Google Calendar, first login to Google Calendar.

You should then see a sidebar on the left-hand side of your screen that shows you a list of your calendars.  There should be a + icon there that says 'Add other calendars' when you hover over it.  Click on it and select 'From URL'. Alternatively, you can go to your calendar settings (by clicking on the gear icon in the top right of your window), then choose 'Add calendar' (in the left-hand sidebar) and select 'From URL'.

Then enter one of the urls below and click 'Add Calendar' (you don't need to make it publicly available).

MIT Exchange Calendar

If you use MIT's Exchange service to sync your calendars, login to using your MIT username and password and select 'Calendar'.

Look for a link labelled 'Other Calendars' in the left-hand sidebar of your window, next to your calendar display.  Right-click (or control-click) on it and select 'Add Calendar'.  Select 'Calendar from URL', and put one of the urls below in that field.

Calendar Subscription URLs

Here are the URLs for the calendar subscriptions we make available.  If you don't use Google Calendar, aren't sure if you use MIT's Exchange service, or just want to subscribe to events on a single device, just click on the links below.  You should then be prompted to choose an application to use for your calendar.  If you use this method and want to subscribe to calendars on multiple devices, you would need to go through this process on each device.

All upcoming LIDS events:

All upcoming LIDS Seminar Series events:

All upcoming LIDS and Stats Tea events:

All upcoming LIDS Thesis defence events: